Your New Year's Resolution
for 2023
Your New Year's
Resolution for 2023
What's your plan for 2023?
If you're the type of person who wants to take on more this year but doesn't know where to start, try setting some big goals for yourself! You can even break these goals down into smaller ones if it helps keep you motivated along the way. Resolutions that are too general: "I want to be healthy," for instance. It doesn't give you any direction or focus on what steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal. Try "I will eat 5 fruits a day", now that's something you can tally.
Also, instead of making a list of only the things you WANT to do, try making one that includes things you NEED to do and how to HELP OTHERS—let me tell you, it's going to make your life so much better in the long run!
Don’t know where to start? Try this productive and simple list Royal Therapy carefully came up with;
✔ Set up a regular sleep schedule.
It's hard to get started when you don't know where to begin. And when it comes to productivity, we'd suggest this one: a sleep schedule.
This is an easy one because it doesn't require any fancy equipment or even much of your time—it just means making sure that every night (and morning), you're going to bed and waking up at the same time.
If you can manage this, then everything else will fall into place.
✔ Buy more 'needs' than wants
It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of something new and want to buy it immediately.
But if you're trying to build a better life, it's important to take a step back and think about what you need. Consider whether you actually need something, If not, wait. You'll be glad you did.
✔ Sleep more (7-8 hours a day)
This is the most important thing to do for your overall health. When you are tired, your brain is unable to focus and concentrate properly, which leads to poor performance at work and feeling unproductive.
Start by making sure you “love” your bed–if you don’t, you’ll likely find yourself waking up in the middle of the night.
Get the right pillows, blankets, and mattresses for you. 7-8 hours a day is recommended for adults!
We've made it through 2022 without proper sleep; let's change that this year.
✔ Once a week, put your phone away for 5 hours.
We know how hard it is to stop scrolling through Instagram or Twitter when you're feeling stressed or bored. But we need to face facts about this getting out of hand. I mean… once a week, can we just put our phones away? Let's just try putting them down for a few hours once a week and see how it feels.
The point is: we need to be more thoughtful about how we use our phones and what they mean to us as people. They can be great tools for connecting with others (and connecting yourself with yourself), but if we let them take over our lives too much, then what do we have left?
✔ Do Random Acts of Kindness (You can specify too)
The act of doing something nice for someone without expecting anything in return can have a huge impact on your life. It makes you happier, spreads joy and positivity, and helps you appreciate the little things in life.
Remember: The act of helping doesn’t have to be huge, it can be as simple as helping your mom with groceries, donating $1, or helping your neighbor carry their bag.
Setting goals for yourself gives you something to work toward, and it helps you organize your life. It's also helpful to look back on your past and see how far you've come—or how far you still need to go.
So, look around you and feel the year’s wonderful things ahead—be ready to make 2023 your best year yet!
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